there was
a land.
where beauty danced
with the world
softening bulbs
two streams
life together
memories dance
fantasies fly
turning towards
vulnerability of longing
I will be sharing sporadic writing and painting on my new substack.
there was
a land.
where beauty danced
with the world
softening bulbs
two streams
life together
memories dance
fantasies fly
turning towards
vulnerability of longing
I will be sharing sporadic writing and painting on my new substack.
I want to live beyond myth,
be shapeless and free
whatever I do I want to not repeat myself
let myself be shapeshifting
like nature like the riverbed like the waves.
let me move beyond what is expected of a somebody like me
let me not even be me, let me just be
natural exploration of the creative force of life
let me just be unexpected movement of consciousness.
not even that!
embodied breath
dirt and stars.
let me move beyond my sense of self
beyond what I know of the world. let me see that I know nothing
and so I just am simply life.
let me be life.
let me be life.
let me move beyond my archetype,
beyond the stream of images that I believe is me
let me move from a space of darkness and light dancing
me being their relating their dance.
let me just remember that this is a dance
I am the dance nothing else.
let me loose my sense of me, of I.
May I come home in my dance,
may I forget my steps and be in the presence of improvisation.
presence ~ dance ~ nothing else
let this be my dance
my awareness of life living through me.
may I remember